Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Games for Change Symposium and an Interview by the Ed Tech Crew

Recently I attended the Games for Change symposium at Macquarie Uni. The event was run by Dean Groom and colleagues with Dean presenting and MCing. It was a great day with the likes of Derek Robertson skyping in regarding Game Based Learning, Annabel Astbury presenting on the Virtual History Centre and Jo Kay and several kids playing and discussing Minecraft. One of the highlights was actually meeting the Ed Tech Crew in person: Darrel Branson (The ICT Guy) and Tony Richards (apparently it was only about the 6th time they had been in each other's company after 175 podcasts!?!).

Darrell and Tony are great guys (with impressive kit!) whose podcast series is really inspirational with some great guests each week. They covered the Games for Change event, filling up a whole episode with the keynote presentations, interviews with kids and exactly 5 minutes of fame for myself! The podcast in full with notes and links can be found here. For those who are interested my personal snippet is below. Thanks again to Dean, Darrel, Tony and the presenters and kids for a great day, enjoy!